Here's an interesting video I've found on Youtube recently. I like the angles the video designer took and I think it conveys various messages on several levels. Of course one of the obvious ones would probably be about the environment and greenhouse effect in the eyes of a media practitioner. The other is the evolution of typology where an artist clusters things of the same nature/type in a group or a series. In this case, the video designer used three groups: numbers, alphabets and nature (i.e trees, flowers). The third is the importance of words and figures and how they affect our lives. Words work as double edge sword, sometimes good, sometimes bad, hence the representation of the sun and acid rain. But brushing all of these aside, i think it is a rather good animation. Also note that the soundtrack is Ratatat's 'Norstrand'.
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Did you actually post the video in this and previous entry? But i cant see it. Or maybe you can insert the hyperlink...thanks! im kinda interested in the typology video though...
ReplyDeleteNope.they are 2 diff videos. Just type 'Typolution' on youtube. u'd get the video. =)
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me the project that I did in college about typo and multimedia. It's a good one of coz!!
ReplyDeletehaha. Which is? yours? or this? =p
ReplyDeleteLOL... Of cox this is better that college work!! =p
ReplyDeleteHaha. But i think yours would be interesting too...
ReplyDeleteBtw, i still have your primary school scouts notebook. I will show them to your children one day, =)
thank you for keeping that, actually i'm kind of forget that the notebook is still with you ~ it would be great that either showing to my children or your children. =P