Thursday, July 23, 2009

"daddy daddy see what i drew?"

3 Distinctions. 1 Higher Distinction.

Mum was so excited that she searched RMIT's website to find out about their grading systme. Never in my life has she been so interested in my academic results. Growing up, my parents always maintained the policy that our education is our responsibility. It doesn't matter if you came in first or last in class, as long as the apple don't fall too far away from the tree. They would be proud of you, they would beamed at all the prizes and awards, but a smile and the pride in their eyes is all you'd get. I admired this policy and would do the same to my children.

3 Ds and 1HDs is really not the best result around, i totally understand. I'm not elated or super proud myself. It's the process i seek, not the end result. Still, i reckon it isnt a bad result. I am not looking for your validation or whatever pride you have left of me. But I reckon i'd rather you not say anything than to say this, dad:

"Ok la...congratulations la did well. But I don't think you're the only one right? I'm sure a lot of people scored this grade too, at least 20% - 30% did?"

You don't have to say anything if you have nothing encouraging to say.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cheer up crystal^^ You're doing very well. I believe you can do even better in future as you are hardworking^.^ I guess so by seeing you taking notes every time when there are people talking on the stage during the study trip. That's what my mum wants me to do, but I always forget to bring pen and papers, haha... (excuse)

    Be happy^^ A healthy body=healthy mind=happy person, I learn it from you. Yeah, I think I learn a lot from you and guess what, I wrote an essay about the Taiwan trip and you, and I got 3rd in a competition, haha..thx for giving me inspiration. :) hope to hear from you soon^6^
