Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where's Crystal?

Right here! I got caught up reading golden updates from Xiu and Ana that I decided to drop one in too.

The place I spent most of time in the past week is...
My room. My tiny 10m * 12m room.

My closest companions were...
My laptop. My bed. Anita Desai's Fasting, Feasting.

What did I do that I now regret?
Procrastinating. Being in complete denial.

What did I not do that I now regret?
Not watch Changeling. One more out of the 3 movies I've watched couldn't hurt.

I've been a Movie/TV Buff because...
I watched Star Trek, Slumdog Millionaire and Valkyrie...and Season 1 of How I Met Your Mother and Russel Peter's Red, Brown and... (oh forget it, i can never remember the freakin title!)

Something I've done that I'm not very proud of...
That I've been a movie buff...not at this crucial hour in time.

Something I've done that I'm proud of...
I returned $30 to Nick at the record store for giving me extra change.

I strongly recommend...
1. Watching Slumdog Millionaire.
2. Reading Anita Desai's Fasting, Feasting
3. Running on the threadmill while listening to Slumdog Millionaire's Movie Soundtrack--Track 1 to be precise.


  1. record store? what did u buy?

  2. Haha...Buena Vista Social Club...Cuban Jazz. =) U'd get to listen to it when u come.
    Oh btw, what CD did YOU get? (refer: ur msn status)

  3. haha, did you actually measure your room?

    YEA, i've watched changeling! nice one! and slumdog too!! even better!

    didnt get the essays in love last 2 days.

    yea i downloaded the whole album after the movie, an i like the song(paperplane i think) where they were survivin on the train.

    ok, got a lab test soon, laters!

  4. ah....zhang xuan's latest album
