Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How Well Do You Know Me?

A new wave of 'How Well Do You Know XXX?' trivia has begun to rock the boats of Facebook users like me as I found myself falling victim to one of the forms of subtle interrogation I hate most. I can equate the same feeling of tension and anxiety of answering such questionnaires to the same emotions experienced during a final exam. Why? Because the proposers of these questionnaires, often closed friends and loved ones, usually demands a high score on the You-Know-Me-Well pedometer. Friendship,loyality and trust is put to the ultimate test by seemingly important questions that is assumed to be a known fact by now. I am not considered a Good-Enough or a Close-Enough friend if I don't know what your favourite number is. The tension and conflict heightens when it comes to lovers, because for lovers, the difficulty level is raised as intimacy level increases. My knowledge of you, my lover should range from the flavour your first birthday cake to what you had for lunch an hour ago. Any struggle over easy questions such as 'Where did we first meet?' or 'What were our first spoken words?' will be dealt in with unforgiving doubt over the 'sincerity' of my love to you. Loyality and betrayal will come into the ugly argument... 'How could you not remember the colour of my bra on the first night??! Are you seeing someone else??!!'

The grass in not greener on the 'Girlfriends' or "BFF-Best friends forEVA" clique. Knowing that female bondings are depended so heavily on loyality and The Secret Girls Code... one will be axed for not knowing her BFF's favourite seafood faster than you can even say SUSHI.

I sound like the grim reaper i know but i really dislike answering these questions as much as i hate asking them. Haha. Self denial... i dont want to be disappointed. Hope you wont be too.

COMING UP: Well then, how well do YOU know YOU?


  1. Hahaha, yea, i do feel friendship is on test when it comes to such situation. Is ok that you dont want to answer if you dont wish to. To me, is just purely for fun. It is just a prespective from you to the person actually.

    Scoring 100% and knowing all those facts dont grant you an ultimate-knowledge pass of the person. Friendship is about sharing and how you feel plus treasuring each other.

    However, i will make it to TIBET and ride camel for sure!!!No, we should go together! :P hehe!!

  2. yaya... i hate that application too... because i score very low for people that is close to me, but i can get high score for some random guesses for not-so close friends... haha.
