Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Questions I Hate Answering

These are questions I really don't like answering these days, especially coming from certain someones:

1. Where did you go?

2. What are you going to eat later?

3. What are you going to eat tonight? (at 3pm)

4. What did you eat just now? (See how annoying this is? and they're all coming from the same person)

5. So, what are you going to do now?

6. How's your holiday?

7. What are your plans this holiday?

(ok, these two questions i dislike because it has been asked by too many people,too many times already and even I am guilty of posing these questions)


  1. Every season has its 'quotes'.
    1)after weekend, "hows your weekend?"
    2)pre exam, "have you started studyin?"
    3)after exam, "hey, how did you do?"
    4)after holiday,"how was holiday?"
    thats called K-0-M-U-N-I-K-A-S-I. =)

  2. That's true, that's why i said even i am guilty of posing these questions because they are inevitable and sincere. But sometimes...when you;ve been asked the same questions three times too many a day, it's hard to stay enthusiastic about the asnwer.
