Sunday, September 20, 2009


I didn't realise how much I miss home still until I found a clip on 'how to get to The Curve' on youtube.

Seeing the familiar route back to my house, I pointed to the screen and looked to FF, exclaiming," 这个。。。这个就是去我家的路!" , my voice quivering slightly as tears welled up.

I thought about how i used to drive or how i was driven down this road. Instantly, the smell, noise and dust of that bustling street teased my five senses.

By the time I realised that I'm still a thousand miles away from home, tears are streaming down my cheeks already.

FF gave my shoulders a tight squeeze and smiled at me knowingly, ‘哎,毕竟还是一个想家的孩子啊。。。’

1 comment:

  1. 2009年2月11日,我想我就看到这里吧,后面也没有东西了。



